
[VProfile - Cloud] Improvement #2 - Re-architect Services on AWS for better performance.

1. Project Overview:

Vprofile project now is running on AWS but its not configured in the best way possible. Before, the application was running basically on Ec2 instances with the services running in them. Now, we are going to run the application on AWS services like RDS, using Beanstalk to IAAC and make it easier to automate the process.
The objective is to minimize operational overhead, operate more efficiently and with better performance using AWS native services. Finally, avoiding upfront payment is still also a positive aspect about using the Cloud.
Using PAAS and SAAS

2. Services Used:

4. Project Structure:

VProfile base

VProfile base

Defining Inboud Rules (SSH and It’s own Security Group, so the services are allowed between each other)

VProfile base

Subnet Group

VProfile base

VProfile base

Creating Parameter group

VProfile base

"Creating RDS Instance (MySQL 8.0)"

VProfile base

"Creating ElastiCache (Memcached)"

VProfile base

"Creating Amazon MQ (Before: RabbitMQ)"

VProfile base

Allow Inbound rules to backend, from Ec2 instances. For this, i took the instance id from Ec2 and allowed on port 3306.

VProfile base

Fetch the database data, into MySQL from an Ec2 Instance

VProfile base

Launching Elastic Beanstalk

VProfile base

Enabled ACL, updated the security groups for the backend. so the instance from Beanstalk and the backend can be connected.
Then changed the app url endpoints, and filling username and password so the services can connect to the app.

VProfile base

Building Maven Artifact

VProfile base

Upload and Deploy the artifact in Beanstalk

VProfile base

Configured DNS with CNAME and SSL certificate

VProfile base

5. Testing:

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